In support of the City Council’s Strategic Plan and its focus on community engagement, the City Manager’s Quarterly Report provides an update on key initiatives and strategic priorities for the City of Roseville.

Take a look at the variety of ways to stay engaged via social media, website, community meetings, and surveys by visiting our connection page.

Your support for our community’s quality of life helps keep Roseville at the top of national rankings! Visit our Roseville Accolades page to see why Roseville continues to be named among the best places to live in the nation.  


View current City Manager Quarterly Report

CM Report Q4 2024

View Prior City Manager
Quarterly Reports

Q2: October - December 2022
Q3: January - March 2023
Q4: April - June 2023

Q1: July - September 2023
Q2: October - December 2023
Q3: January - March 2024