Help Roseville Police 'Keep Watch' over your neighborhood

Updated July 26, 2023

As private video surveillance cameras have become more affordable and higher quality, more people install them in and around their homes and businesses as a security and safety measure.  These cameras have the possibility of recording activities that could be useful to the Roseville Police in an investigation.

What is the Keep Watch program? 

Roseville Police Department’s Keep Watch program is a voluntary partnership with our citizens and businesses who own video surveillance systems and who are willing to provide the police department with their location and contact information.

How it works

When a crime occurs, the Roseville Police will be able to identify the locations of the participating video surveillance systems in the area where the crime occurred and contact the owners.  The security camera owners would then check their surveillance system for footage capturing a specific suspect or vehicle on a specific date and time.  If any video evidence is found, they can follow up with Roseville Police to make arrangements for video retrieval.

It is important to know that the police department will have no direct access to a registered camera’s live signal or recorded material – the camera owner will always be contacted to check their system for surveillance video.

Help us Keep Watch on Roseville. Register your camera(s) today.

Those who register their surveillance cameras will receive a Roseville Police Keep Watch window sticker (if requested).  You can register your camera system HERE

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] 

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