Bicycle Master Plan

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2024 - 2025
Participate in planning for improvements to the bike and pedestrian network

City of Roseville Bicycle Master Plan (BMP) was first adopted in 1994 pursuant to the General Plan and in accordance with the State of California Bicycle Transportation Act. The purpose of the BMP is to guide and influence bikeway policies and development standards to make bicycling in Roseville safer, more convenient and enjoyable for all bicyclists. The BMP identifies potential bikeway funding sources and provides a prioritized list of bike routes and paths to systematically expand and improve Roseville’s bikeway system. The plan is updated periodically. 

Bicycle Master Plan

BMP Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration

Meeting Notes - Public Workshop


ADA & Pedestrian Plans

View the Pedestrian Master Plan & Best Practices Manual

The Pedestrian Master Plan and Best Practices Manual for Pedestrian Design were adopted by City Council.

The Pedestrian Master Plan establishes policies, projects, and programs that improve the pedestrian system in Roseville and increase walking for transportation, recreation, and health. The Pedestrian Master Plan includes:

  1. Goals, policies, and implementation measures for pedestrian improvements and programs.
  2. A recommended pedestrian network.
  3. A Capital Improvement Program that establishes a 20-year framework for improvements to the pedestrian environment.

The Best Practices Manual for Pedestrian Design presents design options for the pedestrian network. The manual addresses three elements:

  • Sidewalks in the public right-of-way.
  • Street crossings (at intersections and between intersections).
  • Signals and signs at street crossings that warn motorists of the pedestrian presence and inform pedestrians where and when to cross streets.

If you have any questions or comments, please call (916) 774-5293 or email us.

ADA Transition Plan

View the ADA Transition Plan for Public Rights-of-Way

The ADA Transition Plan for Public Rights-of-Way documents the legal and functional goals and objectives of the City in order to make existing pedestrian facilities within the public right-of-way accessible and usable for persons with disabilities.

The ADA Transition Plan has been prepared pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which requires that all public agencies develop a transition plan for the installation of curb ramps or other sloped areas at all locations where walkways cross curbs. The plan is required to give a schedule for curb ramp installation, as well as describing other improvements necessary to achieve programmatic accessibility for persons with disabilities.

The main purpose of this transition plan is to describe the curb ramp and pedestrian facility needs within the City and to outline the recommended procedures for implementing and scheduling remedial work to provide a complying system of curb ramps, sidewalks, and related facilities within the public right-of-way.

The ADA Transition Plan is one component of a larger project intended to optimize the pedestrian experience; provide safe and usable pedestrian facilities for all pedestrians, and; assure compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations and standards. Other components of this project include the Pedestrian Master Plan and Pedestrian Design Guidelines. Together, these three documents are intended to provide guidance for the design and installation of the wide variety of facilities within the public right-of-way. These facilities include streets and roadways, vehicular and pedestrian bridges, underground and above-ground utilities, vehicular and pedestrian signal systems, signage systems, on-street parking facilities, sidewalks with curb ramps at intersections, planting strips and buffers, pedestrian activity areas, and unimproved open spaces that are part of the public right-of way.


(916) 746-1300
[email protected]

ADA Coordinator & Public Works Director:
Jason Shykowski, P.E.

View information & about ADA compliance

View information about accessible Roseville Transit services.

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